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GEORADAR is a ground-penetrating radar that uses non-destructive and non-invasive technology for condition assessment and inspection of sub-surface structures.
GEORADAR can be used to study soils, groundwater, to look inside concrete structures, walls, floors, pavements, to detect underground utilities, etc. It has applications in a broad spectrum of situations, including real estate and construction, archeology, city planning as well as military.
TLUs GEORADAR team has also assessed flooding possibility, forecasted erosion and is an excellent risk management tool for any physical environment facing physical degradation over time. Clients include: Sweco EST, Nordecon, Piiber Projekt, Tallinn city, Tallinn Port.


For more information and / or cost estimation for your project, please contact: Hannes Tõnisson,

Laboratory and consulting

Sustainable lifestyle


EXU, Tallinn University

Narva maantee 25

10120 Tallinn, Estonia

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