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MINT people

Andres Jõesaar

Associate Professor of Media Policies @ Baltic Film, Media and Arts School at Tallinn University

Cross-media, study of cross-media production, media management, media economy, media policy, including broadcasting policy (Estonia, Baltic countries, European Union, world), media (television, radio, ...), media studies.

Indrek Ibrus

Professor of Media Innovation @ Baltic Film, Media and Arts School at Tallinn University

Media innovation and evolution, media convergence, media production, political economy of media, media policy, cross- and transmedia.

Kristjan Kask

Associate Professor of Psychology of Law @ School of Natural Sciences and Health at Tallinn University

Alcohol Use, Memory, Forensic Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Investigative Interviewing

Marek Tamm

Professor of Cultural History @ School of Humanities at Tallinna Ülikool

Cultural history, historical theory, medieval studies, historical culture, cultural memory studies, cultural theory, digital history.

Maximilian Günther Schich

Research Professor of Cultural Data Analytics (ERA Chair) @ Baltic Film, Media and Arts School at Tallinn University

Maximilian is a multidisciplinary scientist who collaborates towards a systematic understanding of art and culture, using critical and creative aesthetics, qualitative inquiry, quantitative measurement, and computation.

Mila Oiva

Research Fellow in Cultural Data Analytics @ School of Humanities at Tallinn University

Cultural Data Analytics, big data, temporal continuity and change, digital history, transnational circulation of knowledge.

Sónia Sousa

Associate Professor of Interaction Design @ School of Digital Technologies at Tallinn University

Trust in technology, Interaction Design, Distance education, Human Computer interaction.

Andres Kõnno

Research Fellow @ Baltic Film, Media and Arts School at Tallinn University

The applications of open data in public sector, media literacy, semiotics of culture.

Kai Pata

Professor of Adult Education and Non-Formal Learning @ School of Educational Sciences at Tallinn University

The design of nonformal and informal learning paths and reusing cultural data in education.

Külliki Tafel-Viia

Knowledge Transfer Expert @ Knowledge Transfer and Project Support Office at Tallinn University

Creative economy, innovation, service design, design thinking, policy change, knowledge transfer, knowledge communication and marketing.

Mart Susi

Professor of Human Rights Law @ School of Governance, Law and Society at Tallinn University

Human Rights Law.

Merike Sisask

Professor of Social Health Care @ School of Governance, Law and Society at Tallinn University

Mental health, well-being.

Nuno Correia

Associate Professor in Digital Transformation @ School of Digital Technologies at Tallinn University

Human-computer interaction, sound and music computing, multisensory user experience, media art.

Ermo Säks

Visiting Research Fellow @ Baltic Film, Media and Arts School at Tallinn University

Cinematic Virtual Reality, Storytelling, TV production, Communication, Marketing.

Katrin Tiidenberg

Professor of participatory culture @ Baltic Film, Media and Arts School at Tallinn University

Social media practices, internet (sub)cultures, visual practices and culture, online communities, norms and identity negotiation, platform governance, technologically mediated wellbeing, use of health and wellbeing apps, digital research methods and ethics.

Leif Kalev

Professor of State and Citizenship Theory @ School of Governance, Law and Society at Tallinn University

Citizenship, democracy, the state as a political community and the modes of its governance, and politics-policy-polity interrelations.

Mati Mõttus

Lecturer @ School of Digital Technologies at Tallinn University

Physiological and affective computing (psycho-physiological interpretations); interaction design (explicit, implicit, artistic and pragmatic areas of interaction); objective evaluation of states of mind (emotions, stress, mood, etc).

Merja Lina M. Bauters

Research Professor in Digital Transformation @ School of Digital Technologies at Tallinn University

Pia Tikka

Associate Professor @ Baltic Film, Media and Arts School at Tallinn University

Enactive media, neurocinematics, co-embodiment, virtual reality.

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